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The Publication List is well summarized in Google Scholar Citations.

International Journal Publication 

  1. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, "Design of repetitive control systems using a delayed control input and a state error," International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 32423246, April 2020.

  2. J. R. Ryoo and Tae-Yong Doh, "Position alignment of laser beam spots in optical disc drives using cross-correlation," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 62,  no. 2,  pp. 144-149, 2016. 

  3. J. R. Ryoo, B. K. Kim and Tae-Yong Doh, "Computationally efficient colour image warping for real-time video applications,'' Electronics Letter, vol. 51, no. 14, pp. 10671069, 2015

  4. Tae-Yong Doh,  J. R. Ryoo, and D. E. Chang,  “Robust iterative learning controller design using the performance weighting function of feedback control systems,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 63—70, 2014.

  5. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Robust approach to repetitive controller design for uncertain feedback control systems,” IET Proc. Control Theory & Applications, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 431—439, 2013.

  6. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “A linear matrix inequality approach to initial value compensation for mode switching control in hard disk drive servo systems,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 3362—3364, 2009.

  7. J. R. Ryoo and Tae-Yong Doh, “Track jump scheme using internal state manipulation in optical disc drives,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 55. no. 2, pp. 541—544, May 2009.

  8. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Robust stability condition and analysis on steady-state tracking errors of repetitive control systems,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 960—967, 2008.

  9. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Feedback-based iterative learning control for MIMO LTI systems,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 269—277, April 2008.

  10. J. R. Ryoo and Tae-Yong Doh, “Auto-adjustment of the objective lens neutral position in optical disc drives,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1463—1468, 2007.

  11. Tae-Yong Doh, J. R. Ryoo, and M. J. Chung, “Design of a repetitive controller: An application to the track-following servo system of optical disk drives,'' IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 323—330, 2006.

  12. J. R. Ryoo, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “Compensator design for dual-stage actuator in the track-following servo system of optical disk drives,'' IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronis, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 471—477, 2005.

  13. J. R. Ryoo, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “Robust disturbance observer for the track-following control system of an optical disk drive,'' Control Engineering Practice, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 577—585, 2004.

  14. Tae-Yong Doh, “Comments on 'Robust Iterative Learning Control Design is Straightforward for Uncertain LTI Systems satisfying the Robust Performance Condition','' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 629—630, 2004.

  15. Tae-Yong Doh and M. J. Chung, “Repetitive controller design for linear systems with time-varying uncertainties,'' IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications, vol. 150, no. 4, pp. 427—432, 2003.

  16. J. R. Ryoo, K. B. Jin, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “Fine Seek Control of Extended Applicable Range for Optical Disk Drives,'' Transaction on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 146—151, 2001.

  17. Tae-Yong Doh, B. I. Ma, B. H. Choi, I. S. Park, C. S. Chung, Y.-H. Lee, S. J. Kim, and D. H. Shin, “Radial Tilt Detection using One Beam and Its Compensation in a Hign-Density Read Only Memory,'' Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, part 1, no. 3B, pp. 1680—1683, 2001.

  18. J. Ko, I. S. Park, D.-S. Yoon, C.-S. Chung, Y.-G. Kim, M.-D. Ro, Tae-Yong Doh, and D.-H. Shin, “Optical Storage System for 0.4 mm Substrate Media using 405nm Laser Diode and Numerical Aperture 0.60/0.65 Objective Lens,'' Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, part 1, no. 3B, pp. 1604—1608, 2001.

  19. Tae-Yong Doh, Jung-Ho Moon, and Myung Jin Chung, “An iterative learning control for uncertain systems using structured singular value,'' ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 121, no. 4, pp. 660—667, 1999.

  20. Tae-Yong Doh, Jung-Ho Moon, Kyoung Bog Jin, and Myung Jin Chung, “Robust iterative learning control with current feedback for uncertain linear systems,'' International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 39—47, 1999.

  21. Kyoung Bog Jin, Tae-Yong Doh, Jung Rae Ryoo, and Myung Jin Chung, “Robust direct seek control for high-speed rotational optical disk drives,'' IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, no 4, pp. 1273—1283, 1998.

  22. Jung-Ho Moon, Tae-Yong Doh, and Myung Jin Chung, “A robust approach to iterative learning control design for uncertain systems,'' Automatica, vol.34, no.8, pp. 1001—1004, 1998. 

International Conference Publication 

  1. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “How to represent a repetitive control system in the state space,” Proceeding of 44th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), 2013.

  2. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Robust repetitive controller design and its application on the track-following control system in optical disk drives,” Proceeding of 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011.

  3. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Feedback-based iterative learning controller design using the robust performance condition of uncertain feedback control systems,” Proceeding of 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2011.

  4. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Add-on type repetitive controller design for the feedback control system satisfying the robust performance condition,” Proceeding of the 7th Asian Control Conference, August 27029, 2009.

  5. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “A linear matrix inequality approach to initial value compensation for mode switching control in hard disk drive servo systems,” Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2008, October 14-17, 2008.

  6. J. R. Ryoo and Tae-Yong Doh, “Track jump scheme without controller switching in optical disc drives,” Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2008, October 14-17, 2008.

  7. Tae-Yong Doh and J. R. Ryoo, “Robust stability condition of repetitive control systems and analysis on steady-state tracking errors,'' Proceeding of SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, October 18-21, 2006.

  8. Tae-Yong Doh and J. H. Moon, “Feedback-based iterative learning control for uncertain linear MIMO systems,'' Proceeding of Asian Control Conference 2004, pp. 198--203, 20-23 July 2004.

  9. J. R. Ryoo, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “Disturbance observer design for track-following control in optical disk drive using structured singular value,'' Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2002, pp. 1407--1412.

  10. Tae-Yong Doh and M. J. Chung, “Repetitive Control Design for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Uncertainties,'' Proceeding of Asian Control Conference 2002, pp. 168--173.

  11. J. R. Ryoo, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “A QFT Design of Disturbance Observer for the Track-Following Control System of an Optical Disk Drive,'' Proceeding of Advanced Motion Control 2002, pp. 209--214.

  12. Tae-Yong Doh, J. R. Ryoo, and M. J. Chung, “Repetitive Controller Design for Track-Following Servo System of an Optical Disk Drive,'' Proceeding of Advanced Motion Control 2002, pp. 176--181.

  13. J. R. Ryoo, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “Design of Disturbance Observer for Track-following Controller of Optical Disk Drive,'' Proceeding of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2001, I-FA06-4, 2001.

  14. S. J. Kim, Y. H. Lee, C. S. Chung, Tae-Yong Doh, and B. I. Ma, “Development of 3-Axis Lens Actuator to Compensate Disc Tilt in HD-DVD Optical Pickup,'' Proceeding of Satellite ISOM 2000, 2000.

  15. Tae-Yong Doh, B. I. Ma, B. H. Choi, I. S. Park, C. S. Chung, Y.-H. Lee, S. J. Kim and D. H. Shin, “Radial Tilt Detection using One Beam and Its Compensation in a High-Density Read Only Memory,''  Proceeding of International Symposium on Optical Memory 2000, 2000.

  16. J. R. Ryoo, K. B. Jin, Tae-Yong Doh, and M. J. Chung, “New fine seek control for optical disk drives,'' Proceeding of American Control Conference 1999, pp. 3635--3639.

  17. Kyung Bog Jin, Tae-Yong Doh, and Myung Jin Chung, “Robust direct seek control for a high-speed rotational optical disk drive using m-synthesis,'' Proceeding of World Automation Congress (WAC), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1998, ISIAC007.

  18. Tae-Yong Doh, Kyoung Bog Jin, and Myung Jin Chung, “An LMI approach to iterative learning control for uncertain linear systems,'' Proceeding of World Automation Congress (WAC), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 1998, ISIAC006.

  19. Hyung-Kyi Lee, Tae-Yong Doh, and Myung Jin Chung, “Internal model control approach for designing a bilateral controller for teleoperators with time delay,'' Proceeding of 3rd ECPD Conference on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Active Systems, Bremen, Germany, 1997, pp. 498--503.

  20. Jung-Ho Moon, Tae-Yong Doh, and Myung Jin Chung, “An iterative learning control scheme for manipulators,'' Proceeding of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems (IROS), Grenoble, France, 1997, pp. 759--765.

  21. Tae-Yong Doh, Jung-Ho Moon, Kyoung Bog Jin, and Myung Jin Chung, “An iterative learning control for uncertain systems using structured singular value,'' Proceeding of 2nd Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Seoul, Korea, 1997, pp. 207--210.

International Registered Patents

  1. Optical recording medium having read-only storage area and writable storage area and recording/reproducing apparatus and method therefor, I. Park, J. W. Ko, K. Lee, B. Choi, J. Heo, B. Kim, Tae-Yong Doh, US Patent 8,411,541, 2013.

  2. Optical recording medium having read-only storage area and writable storage area and recording/reproducing apparatus and method therefor, US Patent, No. 8,149,667, April 3, 2012.

  3. Optical recording medium read-only storage area and writeable storage area and recording/reproducing apparatus and method therefor, US Patent, No. 7,463,566, December 9, 2008.

  4. Error signal detection apparatus and method for optical recording/reproducing system, US Patent, No. 7,170,836, January 30, 2007.

  5. Apparatus for generating seek direction detecting signal using track error and track cross signals for an optical pickup, US Patent, No. 7,120,095, October 10, 2006.

  6. Increasing the memory performance of flash memory devices by writing sectors simultaneously to multiple flash memory devices, US Patent, No. 7,111,140, September 19, 2006.

  7. Defocus error signal detection apparatus having phase comparators and a matrix circuit for an optical recording/reproduction system, US Patent, No. 7,095,686, August 22, 2006.

  8. Apparatus for and method of detecting defocus error signal for optical pickup and apparatus for and method of detecting seek direction, US Patent, No. 6,977,876, December 20, 2005.

  9. Apparatus generating a seek direction detecting signal for an optical pickup using track cross and track error signals, US Patent, No. 6,961,292, November 1, 2005.

  10. Error signal detection apparatus and method for optical recording/reproducing system including comparing phases of sum signals, US Patent, No. 6,885,621, April 26, 2005. 

  11. Method and apparatus to generate a monitoring signal for an optical recording/reproducing system,, US Patent, No. 6,801,486, October 5, 2004.

  12. Error Signal Detection Apparatus for an Optical Recording/Reproduction System, US Patent, No. 6,754,146, June 22, 2004.

  13. Four-Axial Driving Actuator for Optical Pickup, US Patent, No. 6,724,696, April 20, 2004.

  14. Apparatus for generating seek direction detection signal, US Patent, No. 6,687,201, February 3, 2004.

  15. Error signal detecting apparatus for optical recording/reproducing apparatus, US Patent, No. 6,661,482, August 26, 2003.

  16. Error signal detection apparatus and reproduction signal detection apparatus for optical recording/reproducing system and method therefore, US Patent, No. 6,507,544, January 14, 2003.

  17. Method of detecting track cross signal of optical disc recording/reproducing device and apparatus therefore, US Patent, No. 6,400,662, June 4, 2002.

Domestic Journal Publication

  1. 소상균, 류정래, 도태용, "1/4 차량 현가 장치의 강인 안정성을 보장하는 외란관측기 기반의 제어 시스템 설계", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 995-1001, 2016.

  2. 류정래, 이은상, 도태용, "FPGA를 이용한 실시간 영상 워핑 구현", 대한임베디드공학논문지, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 335-344, 2014 

  3. 최용준, 류정래, 도태용, "역진자형 전동 스쿠터의 조향 시스템", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 942-949, 2014

  4. 류정래, 도태용, "광 픽업 성능 평가기 캘리브레이션", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 578-583, 2014.

  5. 류정래, 도태용, "모터 제어 정밀도 향상을 위한 정지 마찰력 보상", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 180-185, 2014.

  6. 도태용, "상태 궤환을 이용한 H∞ 반복 제어 시스템의 설계", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 6-11, 2014.

  7. 권철순, 김광수, 도태용, 강필순, "태양광발전시스템과 계통간의 전력 전송 효율 개선을 위한 최대효율점 추적 제어 알고리즘", 전기학회논문지, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 342-348, 2013. 

  8. 도태용, 류정래, "디지털 제어기의 부분적 초기값 보상을 통한 천이 응답 특성 향상", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 285-289, 2013. 

  9. 김광수, 도태용, "강인한 궤환 제어 시스템을 위한 반복 제어기의 설계", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 668-673, 2010. 

  10. 도태용, 백정현, "공공 안내 로봇을 위한 인체 검출 기반의 방향성 감지 시스템", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 481-488, 2010. 

  11. 류정래, 도태용, "광디스크 드라이브에서의 트랙 점프 안정도 향상", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 683-687, 2009. 

  12. 도태용, 류태하, 류지열, "제어이론을 이용한 D급 디지털 오디오 증폭기의 모델링과 해석", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 385-391, 2007.

  13. 도태용, 정명진, "시변 불확실성을 가지는 선형 시스템을 위한 반복 제어 시스템의 설계", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 13-18, 2005.

  14. 도태용, "반복 학습 제어에 대한 소개", 제어로봇시스템학회지, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 52-58, 2005.

  15. 도태용, 문정호, "주파수 영역에서 반복 학습 제어의 수렴 조건", 한국지능시스템학회 논문지, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 175-179, 2003.

  16. 도태용, 문정호, "선형 행렬 부등식을 이용한 광 디스크 드라이브의 트랙 추종 서보를 위한 반복 제어", 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 117-123, 2003.

  17. 문정호, 도태용, "반복 학습 제어를 이용한 NFR 디스크 드라이브의 2단 서보 시스템",  제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 277-283, 2003.

  18. 문정호, 도태용, "반복 학습 제어기의 Properness 제한에 관한 연구", 한국지능시스템학회 논문지, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 393-396, 2002


  • Ph. D. Thesis, "Robust Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Linear Systems and Convergence Properties in the Frequency Domain,", KAIST, 1999.

  • M. S. Thesis, "Study on the Digital-controlled Servo Loop Range Sensor using Radio Frequency Wave for a Land Vehicle", KAIST, 1994.

Control and Signal Processing - Mechatronics - Robotics - Embedded Control System - Robust Control - Repetitive Control - Iterative Learning Control - Disturbance Observer

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